The City of Dayton Environmental Advisory Board (EAB) supports your company's proposed 300-acre solar project on an existing cornfield at the southeast comer of Little Richmond Road and U.S. Route 49. The development, as envisioned by TED Renewables, is consistent with the City of Dayton's sustainability goals, specifically by maintaining an existing wetland and by planting additional trees in a buffer zone around the site perimeter. A native prairie would be planted beneath the solar panels.
We understand that TED Renewables has conducted an environmental assessment of the site. The EAB has been informed that no endangered species have been identified on the site. Additionally, it is EAB's understanding that TED Renewables has ensured that there are no findings of cultural significance on the site. The only existing homes near the site are in the City of Trotwood. We understand that you have been working with Trotwood to inform residents.
The City of Dayton is committed to transitioning to renewable energy sources and to attracting employers who would provide clean energy jobs. The City believes the Project adds ecological value to the Dayton area and supports energy grid resiliency.
The EAB's purpose is to ensure the quality of the environment be protected, maintained, and improved; and to assure that the operations of the City of Dayton are not harmful to the environment. The Board serves as an advisor to the City Manager, the City Commission, City Departments, Boards, RegionalAgencies, and citizens on matters related to the environmental quality of the City of Dayton, either in response to requests from the City or as a result of a need observed by the Board. In this capacity, theEAB believes TED's request for a zoning variance, which is currently pending before the DaytonBoard of Zoning Appeals, is in the best interest of the City of Dayton and the surrounding region.
On behalf of Green Energy Ohio (GEO), I am writing to convey the organization’s support for the Gem City Solar Project and its application to obtain approval of its requested Conditional Use Permit and Rezoning applications. Green Energy Ohio has promoted sustainable energy policies, technologies, and processes for over two decades, and welcomes the development of large-scale solar projects. GEO frequently testifies at the Ohio Power Siting Board in support of utility-scale projects and educates our membership about the benefits of renewable energy facilities locating in the state.
These projects provide significant economic support for the communities in which they are located. In the case of Gem City, it is estimated that there will be over $70 million total investment, with more than $12 million reinvested into local communities. That includes over $7 million to Trotwood-Madison City School District over the 35-year project life. Educational enhancement is one of the most beneficial aspects of project development.
In addition, solar facilities operate without any of the negative side effects of other development projects that produce solid and/or hazardous waste, generate emissions, impact the groundwater, and rely on local public infrastructure.
The environmental advantages of renewable energy are well known – cleaner air, a healthier population, and more diverse ecosystems, all without adding to the climate crisis.
Based on the factors stated above, I respectfully request that you approve the Gem City Solar Project and grant them the Rezoning and Conditional Use Permit to be able to construct and operate 49.9 megawatts (MW) of clean, reliable energy in Dayton, Ohio.
Thank you for consideration of our comments.
The University of Dayton supports the Gem City solar project developed by TED Renewables. After reviewing the attributes of this project, it was clear that the project will provide benefits to a wide variety of community members. In addition to highlighting the environmental stewardship efforts of the City of Dayton, it will provide educational opportunities for local schools, colleges, and universities through project learning partnerships or as part of the obligations for the Ohio QEP tax program.
Furthermore, the project will provide a tax revenue opportunity for the county, city, and the local Trotwood-Madison School District. Finally, this project turns a previous industrial site into a productive opportunity for either near-term or long-term renewable energy procurement.